The ownership of this website belongs to OpenWealth, S.A.U. (OpenWealth) with registered office in Plaza de Colón, 1 Madrid-28001, with NIF A-28512655.

The company’s corporate purpose is to provide global consulting and financial planning services to clients. Specifically, it will focus its commercial activity on UHNW (Ultra High Net Worth) clients. While there is no legal standard when it comes to defining who is a UHNW client, it is often defined as those who have $30 million or more in investable assets.

OpenWealth does not perform investment services and/or activities, nor ancillary services whose provision, in accordance with the provisions of the securities market regulations, are reserved to investment services firms and, consequently, is not an entity subject to supervision by the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National Securities Market Commission). OpenWealth, under no circumstances will make personalized recommendations on specific financial instruments, nor any other type of action, recommendation or investment proposal that falls within the regulated service of investment advisory. Notwithstanding the above, OpenWealth specifically warns you that any investment in financial instruments is subject to market fluctuations, and losses may occur.